Automating report generation in RPE
I have a scenario like we are taking monthly report of all users form clear quest.As of now we using a external variable and filtering the report.So now requirement is like that we need to pass like 20 user name as variable and need to generate the individual report for each user and store in a folder. Can anyone give suggestions regarding this.
One answer
You can think of 2 different solutions:
1. Using a single document specification file:
Use an Iteration element in the template. Pass all 20 user names as comma separated values for the variable. Using split function, store the user names in an array. The iteration will run for every element (user name) in the array. Use a Document Break element so that the output will be saved as a separate file for each user.
2.Use an external variable in the template that takes single username. You will create 20 different document specification files for each users. Suppose you have thse .dsx files in C:\RPEFiles, you can have the following in a .bat file and run the .bat in command prompt.
for %%i in (C:\RPEFiles\*.dsx) Do (
"%RPE_HOME%\launcher\rpe-launcher.exe" -publish %%i -noresult)
Note: In Launcher, set "Use publish wizard" to "No" (Window -> Preferences -> RPE -> Document Execution) so that publish wizard is not shown while opening the doc spec.
Thanks, Subramanya Prasad,
Can you please share a sample template for my reference,if possible.
You can find the details along with sample template and supporting files in my blog -