CCM Attribute missing from the form. see the description. have you seen this kind issue?

CCM administration – Attribute missing from the form.
Add “Start Time” attribute in the form “Detail” section.
I am not sure if the “Start Time” is a system attribute or not.
Save the change.
Open a new browser “Chrome” and login to the project area
Open “Change Request” work item (see below screenshot).
As you can see the attribute “Start Time” is not showing in the form
I tested with 3 browsers (Chrome version 70.0, Firefox version 63.03, IE version 11.7…), I also tested with RTC Eclipse client. All of them did not show the “Start Time” in the form.
One answer

I can't see your images as they were not saved, but "Start Time" is a special attribute type used in plans.


I recommend reviewing this article:

- As you said Ian, I believe this is an internal attribute.
- The Eclipse Work Item Editor does not even allow to pick this attribute to be displayed in a section such as the details section.
- I tried the same with the Web UI but the attribute is basically hidden
- I was able to show it in queries but it always showed none - no value.
- The Eclipse Work Item Editor does not even allow to pick this attribute to be displayed in a section such as the details section.
- The attribute mapping for planning shows the attribute as deprecated.
Even if you could add the attribute, it is unclear what the attribute would show.Consider to create a custom attribute if you want to show some start date.
My Version was RTC 6.0.6