RQM 6.0.6 - unable to create values in Manage Test Case Categories
One answer
Let us know if you can perform next:
- Click on administration drop down menu -> Manage Project Properties -> Click on "Artifact Categories" tab (in the top menu) -> Click on "Test Case Categories" link
- Categories table should be displayed
- Click on the "create" button (green cross) and add a new category
- Once the category has been created select "Add Values" / "Create Value" in the new category's drop down menu
Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 14 '18, 6:16 a.m.What's the symptom? No action menu? Check if the Save Category Value (Create) permission on that project is enabled. Finally, are you upgrading to 6.0.6 or 6.0.0?