How do you do a requirements report in DOORS 9.6?
I'm trying to do a requirements report, where I can look at the number of object, see which are requirements, which ones are accepted, in review, not accepted, see do they have an in and out link. For all modules in my project.
I'd like to be able to combine it all into one excel to show as review.
One answer
The manual approach: Prepare a view in each module and then export the view to Excel format. Then you could manually merge all the Excel outputs together.
The scripted automated approach: Write a DXL script that explores each module in your project and prepares the desired metrics, outputting the values to a CSV or Excel workbook.
The Rational Publishing Engine automated approach: Create an RPE template that produces the required metrics from a given module. Configure the Document Specification to access each of the required modules in your project. Configure the Document Specification to output an Excel file at the conclusion.
How to choose the approach? I would choose based on how often this information will need to be refreshed. This will help you choose between the manual and one of the automated options. Then choose between the automated options based on the skills available in your organization - if you have more DXL skills than RPE skills, go with DXL. Or if your organization does not have RPE licenses, then use DXL.