Please does anyone know how to sort out duplicates in RPE?
Please does anyone know how to sort out duplicates in RPE? I have a report i built from JRS and i transferred it to RPE. This report is developed as parent to children. The problem i am facing is that the parent keep repeating on all the children. Is there a way to only sort the report to not repeat the parent on all the children? Thank you
2 answers
Hi Anthony,
There is as far as I know no way to do that; so as quick a dirty function.
You have to adapt you RPE Template to handle that. When using table, RPE will loop automatically.
Let's say you have a container with the parent, and in this container a table with the links to children
Hope this help
You should be able to do this by opening the template in RPE Studio. Try setting the Row property "Once per table" to true. If that doesn't work, use a condition (_isPrinted != 1) so that it will not be printed, if already printed once.
Thank you for getting back Prasad.
I tried the "Once per table" already and it worked for the parent role then the children role disappear. where do i apply the condition? Thank you
If you can share the template, it would be easy to suggest the template changes.
How do i share the template here? I only see "Insert Image" and "Create Link" please help. Thank you
You can upload it somewhere and share the link.
Do you have any idea where i can upload and get the link? Something you have tried and worked? I have not had to upload template but i have sent via email. Thank you
Please see link below
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