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RTC-Git Integration : Setting up a Node.js server for Git Not Successful

Dudley Thomas (41614) | asked Feb 28 '17, 5:10 p.m.

 I have followed the instructions here 

for setting up the RTC-Git Integration to use a node.js server. I am not successful.  I get all to way thru step 5 and start the server successfully. However, I can get no further.  Node.js is listening on the port identified but no requests are getting to the server.  Any ideas?  How can I debug further?  THanks in advance.

Lily Wang commented Feb 28 '17, 8:15 p.m.

It seems you attached wrong link.

The following two Wiki pages provide more details about RTC and Git integration using Node JS:

Dudley Thomas commented Mar 01 '17, 8:20 a.m.

 The steps described in these articles are exactly what we did. Any additional thoughts?

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