DNG - Product Roadmap for Module Context vs Base Artifact
Most of the consultants and organisations I have canvassed have said that they do base artifact linking because it feels safer to have important traceability information associated directly with the artifacts rather than one step removed through the presentation layer of a module.
My gut feeling is that this correct.
However it presents many usability hurdles for users of DNG.
What is the roadmap with this functionality?
Maybe we need the option to be able to have a closer more transparent binding between artifacts and their notional 'position' within their module in the case where artifacts only appear in one module (which is true for 99.9% of module artifacts I think).
Can someone from IBM please shed some light on whether there will be a more transparent approach made available so that users can work in modules where requirements are presented in an organised manner but have all links created at base artifact level or simply not have to be aware of the distinction between a base artifact and a module context artifact (since the distinction is redundant 99% of the time).
This looseness of the current binding between base artifact and module context also has implications for traceability analysis.
When following a link through JRS reporting or RPE we want to be able to query information about the module context of the linked artifact such as its section number and level etc. within its module.
This is not currently possible at all when using Base Artifact links. When using module context links it is possible in RPE but I think it is not possible with JRS.
2 answers
Another problematic issue with DNG's evolvement is the behavior of base vrs module artifacts.
Those of us who develop in a regulated environment have a clear need for "artifact reuse" in the form of requirements that derive for standards and regulations. These requirements apply to many products and must be reused identically!. These artifacts are very important to keep correct/unchanging, until the standard changes, then we need to trace changes to applicable product modules.