DNG - Module - Level, Leaf, Length Filters

Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only non-heading artifacts?
Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only level 5 or level 6 artifacts?
Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only leaf artifacts?
Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only artifacts whose main text value is greater then 50 chars in length?
I know these can be done with RM Extensions but they are much more complicated to develop than DXL scripts.
Some of these basic filters sure would make data importation easier in the absence of simple DXL scripting.
One answer

>>Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only non-heading artifacts?
This can be solved with the filter : Artifact Type is not any of Heading
It will also work for this:-
>>Is there any way to filter a DNG module to see only leaf artifacts?
If there are no hierarchical text paragraphs and no childless headings