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In report builder, how do a filter on an empty string?

Andrew Takahashi (1313) | asked Sep 25 '18, 10:09 a.m.

 In the example I am working on, I am trying to display all of the derived requirements in DNG which do not have a attribute called DerivedRationale filled in. For the text filter, my options are "contains", "does not contain", "is", "is not", "starts with" and "ends with". It won't let me leave the target field blank and I'm not sure how to get a null into the target field. What I really need is an "is empty".

Any ideas of what I can put in the filter and target fields to get this to work?

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Sep 25 '18, 12:39 p.m.

For Work Items, I use the "is" filter and also select the "No set value" radio button to accomplish something like 'is empty'. I would guess you could do the same for DNG data.

Andrew Takahashi selected this answer as the correct answer

Andrew Takahashi commented Sep 25 '18, 4:16 p.m.

 Thanks so much! Seems obvious now.

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