How to create requirement collection in DOORs NG
Accepted answer
ok so in 7.0.x - you do as I said
Either :
Click on the Collection tab at the top of the screen, then use the create button to create a collection - then within the collection use the + to add artifacts to the collection
from the All artifacts view, tag the artifacts to be in a collection, right mouse click the for menu, and 2/3rds of the way down the list is an option for "Add X artifacts to a Collection"
Hope that helps
2 other answers
what version of DoorNG are you using that will help greatly in guiding you to the right spot.
typically, its from the create button where you select to Create a Collection and then manually add "artifacts" to the collection
Otherwise simplest mechanism, is tag all the artifacts you want in a collection, and click the floating menu and select Create Collection from selected artifacts.