Can CLM 6.0.6 be used with SQL Server 2017?
Accepted answer
Extract from the (product download page)
RTC 6.0.6 :
public void assertRequiredVersion(Connection connection) throws TeamRepositoryException, SQLException { //Only Sql Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 are supported DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData(); String productVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion(); String productName = metaData.getDatabaseProductName(); if(!productName.equalsIgnoreCase(PRODUCT_NAME)) throw new TeamRepositoryException(NLS.bind(Messages.getServerString("SqlServerProvider.productNameMismatch"), productName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ int v = Integer.parseInt(productVersion.substring(0, productVersion.indexOf('.'))); if ((v != 11)&&(v !=12)&&(v != 13)) throw new TeamRepositoryException(NLS.bind(Messages.getServerString("SqlServerProvider.SqlServerVersionNotValid"), productVersion)); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertRequiredJDBCDriverVersion(connection); }
One other answer
Which version of SQL Server are you using with CLM 6.0.6?
As you said, CLM 6.0.6 is not supported with SQL Server 2017.
I suggest that you wait for the first version of CLM that supports SQL Server 2017.
In order to perform an upgrade from the previous versions, it should support SQL Server 2016 (and possibly SQL Server 2014) as well.
So, you could upgrade your CLM to the new version without upgrading the SQL Server version.
Once you've upgraded CLM to a version that supports SQL Server 2017, you can migrate SQL Server.
Anyway, this is just a speculation, as there is not yet a date for the next CLM release.