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DNG 'Track and Plan' license

Sean F (1.3k250160) | asked Sep 13 '18, 4:16 a.m.
retagged Sep 19 '18, 7:50 a.m. by Minakshi Jaint (5113)
Can anybody tell me what DNG Track and Plan licensed feature actually is?

Apparently it is a type of license that is sold with DNG.

My understanding was that this was the license that activates the RTC component that enables change management for DNG but the DNG users I am helping believe that it is supposed to be a read-only access license to allow users in to do comments/links etc.

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 13 '18, 7:50 a.m.

There is no license with that exact name.

In my answer below I am answering in the context of  on-prem deployments (not our Cloud offerings, which in some cases use different names).

The "track and plan" only license is RTC Stakeholder.
The Contributor licenses provide access to track and plan (as well as other things)

Sean F selected this answer as the correct answer

Sean F commented Sep 13 '18, 8:38 a.m.

Thanks Daniel

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 13 '18, 7:05 a.m.

Sean F commented Sep 13 '18, 7:43 a.m.
Thanks Daniel.

There does not seem to be any reference to 'Track and Plan' on that page.

Do you know what the customer is referring to with this term if it is not a license type?

It appears to be something they think they have purchased as a part of a license agreement but it is not listed on the license management page on their cloud server.

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Carol Watson (710118) | answered Sep 13 '18, 9:43 a.m.


The way it was explained to me by my IBM Reps, is that your DNG Licensing entitles you to also use the Track and Plan component, which is a separate install.  You do not have to turn on CM in order to use Track and Plan either.

Hope this helps.

Daniel Moul commented Sep 13 '18, 9:59 a.m.

Yes that's true, Carol. 

Sean F commented Sep 13 '18, 10:25 a.m.
Thanks Carol.

Yes, that was my original understanding.

Track and Plan is basically the DNG access to use RTC for change management.

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