DNG 605 - Link creation method and format matrix
I am experimenting with various link creation mechanisms to determine how to control module context vs base artifact links in 605.
It seems that some link creation mechanisms allow both methods, some allow only one method and some allow a kind of hybrid.
The only method that allows full control is the Link creation dialog.
Drag and drop only allows module context linking.
Link by attribute only allows base artifacts as targets but either a source.
Copy-and-Link linking is broken for module context to context (creates duplicate links - base and module context), works for base to base, does not exist for base to module and works for module to base.
It is a strange mixture and makes it quite hard to decide what format to mandate for a DNG project.
Are my results in line with other DNG admins experiences?
If so are you mandating module context or base artifact or just letting the users do whatever they want to do?
Here is my test matrix of link method results
4 answers
"Link by attribute only allows base artifacts as targets but either a source."
Not quite true. If the format of your artifact identifier is <moduleid>.<artifactid> then it will link to the artifact in the module (and not to the base artifact). Good luck finding that one in the docs (it's there but very well hidden). ;-)
Unfortunately this only works within one project component stream; there is no option (I have found) to specify the target as <project+component+stream>.<moduleid>.<artifactid> to also allow "link by attribute" for linking across project component streams in a Global Config - out of the box.
Not quite true. If the format of your artifact identifier is <moduleid>.<artifactid> then it will link to the artifact in the module (and not to the base artifact). Good luck finding that one in the docs (it's there but very well hidden). ;-)
Thanks Adrian. Just tested that and it it works so I can tick that one off the list which tips the balance in favour of Module Context linking if a consistent format is to be mandated.
I'm fairly certain I can drag and drop to create base-to-base links. I'm using DNG 6.0.5 too.
Can anyone else verify the statement "Drag and drop only allows module context linking." is not true?
Thanks Michael, I found that drag and drop linking is actually possible using base artifacts as either source or target as you correctly state.
Have updated my matrix accordingly.
I am still thinking that drag and drop is more intuitive to work with in the module context as the artifacts are presented in a structured sequence.
Instinctively it feels like base artifact linking is better though in case the artifacts are moved around later and if there is no possibility of needing different links based on more than one module context for any given single artifact..
Still a bit unsure as to which context to recommend to users .
Does anybody have pros/cons from their experience?
Has anybody gone with module context linking and then regretted it or vice versa?