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"workitem/workItem/category" element of schema doesn't work in RTC in report designed in RPE

Dmitry A. Lesin (24826996) | asked Sep 02 '18, 9:25 a.m.


I'm trying to use "workitem/workItem/category" element in Rational Publishing Engine (v6.0.5)report from work item's schema available in Rational Team Concert (v6.0.5).

I found that it works running the report directly in RPE Document Studio. "Category" is value of current parameter defined by user before the report is run. "curCategory" is category of first work item found in accordance to parameters set. You can see that "curCategory" is defined.

In RPE Document Studio

But "curCategory" isn't available when the same report is deployed to RTC and run. This is despite to all other values are displayed for each iterated work item.


May be somebody could assume what the problem can be related to.
Thank you!

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Sep 02 '18, 12:59 p.m.
I am not aware of any such issue when document generation is done through RPE Vs RTC. Are you generating report for the same projectArea in both cases?
You may note the difference between workitem/category and workitem/workItem/category. The latter specifies the existing work items first. That is, only if the category has one or more WorkItems assigned to it, it will be shown.
Dmitry A. Lesin selected this answer as the correct answer

Dmitry A. Lesin commented Sep 03 '18, 7:38 a.m.

 I have checked regarding "Are you generating report for the same projectArea in both cases?" question. It seems there's no error here.

In parameters, the list of categories is collected from all work items where it was found:

Metadata for category parameter

Collecting occurs in current project area only:


I see that correct list of categories is displayed:

List of values of category param

Dmitry A. Lesin commented Sep 03 '18, 7:39 a.m.

 If I will try to get all project areas data, it will look like next:

List of project areas

In RPE specification, I'm using next URI to get work items:


Dmitry A. Lesin commented Sep 03 '18, 7:39 a.m.

 In metadata of "workitems" schema, I'm using next:


You can see that "category/(itemId|name)" is in both cases.
At the stage of setting values in parameters:

Setting parameters in RTC

It seems, everything is correct!

I have only ???????????????? and can not understand where I could be wrong.   :(

Dmitry A. Lesin commented Sep 03 '18, 7:43 a.m.

 And take into account that the same report works when running from RPE Document Studio, but works a little bit otherwise in RTC! But it works properly in my local RTC which was temporarily used for development purposes.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Sep 03 '18, 12:06 p.m.

I would suggest comparing RPE log with RRDG log. You can check how the URL used is different in RRDG when compared to RPE.

Dmitry A. Lesin commented Sep 06 '18, 2:59 p.m.

I can not explain but it works now after redeployment of the report. May be something gone wrong during deployment.

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