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DNG OSLC Project Services no creation factory

Sean F (1.3k252162) | asked Aug 19 '18, 2:39 p.m.
When I run the services query against my test project

I am only getting 3 services:-

How can I find the other servcies like CreationFactory etc.

(FireFox 57 with RestClient addon)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <oslc_rm:ServiceDescriptor xmlns:oslc_rm="" xmlns:rdf="" rdf:about="https://localhost:9443/rm/oslc_rm/_iv9JkIVZEeiePe0Mcgy8SQ/services.xml">
        <oslc_rm:validatedByLinkFactory rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/rm/links/oslc/validatedByLinks"/>
        <oslc_rm:implementedByLinkFactory rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/rm/links/oslc/implementedByLinks"/>
        <oslc_rm:widget rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/rm/pickers/"/>
        <dc:title xmlns:dc="">Collection Selection</dc:title>
        <oslc_rm:widget rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/rm/pickers/"/>
        <dc:title xmlns:dc="">Requirement Selection</dc:title>
    <dc:description xmlns:dc="">Service Descriptor for Project: RM Simple</dc:description>
    <dc:title xmlns:dc="">RM Simple</dc:title>

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