Display Attachments and Related Artifacts twice in work item with separate content

And then again, how would it be possible to add links to attachments?
Accepted answer

I don't think that you will be able to do that, at least not easily. You could create new editor presentations that could filter on the attachments/links. This is likely very expensive to do and to maintain.
New Link types are only available between work items (maybe URL references). https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2014/12/03/creating-custom-link-types-for-rational-team-concert/ explains how. There are several drawbacks with this approach e.g. the links don't show up in reports.
You can not link to attachments. An uploaded attachment can be referenced by multiple work items.
Maybe there are ways to get what you want, but I am not optimistic. I am not very clear on why you want to do that and what the business base really is.

you would literally have to create your own editor presentation. Here is one example: https://github.com/jazz-community/rtc-statushistory-presentation
Your code would decide what to display how. This can be done, but it is not really easy to do it. It is actually quite hard.
I am wondering if it would be easier to use a Web Application to display the information you refer to and have a link back and forth between the work item. Just a thought.