RQM-how to filter which item does not have value of one custom attribute

In Quality Management-Test Case Execution Record (TCER) view, i have several attributes (called, attribute_1, attribute_2) for tester to fill in while they execute TCER
After test execution phase, i would like to see which TCER has information in attribute_1 or attribute_2, which TCER with attribute_1 value as blank. Currently seem there is no way to do this on TCER view. It will be useful if we have additional filter same as Microsoft Excel filter with options: Does not Contain/Equal...specific text.
P/S: Current attribute can filter TCER which has specific text
One answer

Hi Thao Nguyen,
Which version of RQM you are using? In the recent versions of RQM like 6.0.4 onwards, we do support filtering on Artifact Custom Attributes. Refer the attached screenshot for reference.

Hi Krupa,
Sorry for late response. Yes, i can see my RQM same as your screenshot
Can you advise if i would like to filter Test Case Execution Record which is not empty at attribute "TCER_1" as in your screenshot?
I tried with option "Doesn't contain" euqal to value space, but it does not work