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Script based validation for Timespent

Kiran A (311561) | asked Aug 03 '18, 2:35 a.m.
edited Aug 06 '18, 7:17 a.m.

Hello Team, 

Here is My scenario,
Alert message should appear if time spent is greater than the estimated time, I used script based validation to prompt/indicate message. I wrote script to validate estimate and time spent and enabled precondition "Attribute Validation" and kept dependency on duration. Here I am facing a problem, if I give severity as "WARNING" I am not getting any warning message/indicator in the attribute or any of the place in the work item window where as if I give "ERROR" as a severity I am getting error message but I am not able to save the work item. 

My requirement is, I have to give "WARNING" as a severity so I will get warning message and I will keep on working on the task and it allow me to save the work item whenever I change the time spent attribute in the condition timespent>duration.


Kiran A commented Aug 06 '18, 7:16 a.m.

Hello Team, 

If I set Severity "Warning" in the condition I can able to see the warning icon in the work item in Eclipse client but where as I am not getting any warning icon in the work item in Web client. What would be the mistake?

Any Suggestions...

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Aug 07 '18, 2:07 a.m.

As far as I can tell, the warning should show in the Web UI as well. I would suggest to open a case with support.

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