Why does the import of model keep failing in Design Manager?
I am trying to import a sample Rhapsody model in Design Manager, but it keeps failing after running for 66 minutes. I have noticed the same behaviour with several models I have tried to import.
The message on the Design Manager >> File >> Activities page for all models I have tried to import reads
"500 (null) :ERROR: Model Server is not running
Details : com.ibm.xtools.rmps.frontservice.jaf.common.jfsclient.RmpsRuntimeException: 500 (null) :ERROR: Model Server is not running"
Stage for all models is "Converting to RDF Resources "
Installed Applications include [Requirements Management + Change and Configuration Management +Quality Management + Global Configuration Management + Design Management + Architecture Management + Reporting Services ] . All are in v6.0.5
What am I doing incorrectly ?
Please help.
One answer
500 (null) :ERROR: Model Server is not running - this is the cause.
Model Server is the embedded application that performs diagram rendering during the import.
Usually such error appears on headless Linux platform, since Model Server requires XServer to be up and running.
Go to /dm/amdin page, switch to "Diagnostics" tab and find "Rhapsody Rendering Diagram Application" section.
If you do not see any error there, click "Run" link in the right of section header.
You should see the link to the page where you can find description of typical issues and ways ho to solve them.
Unfortunately, I see an error on "Rhapsody Rendering Diagrams Application" section on Diagnostics tab in dm/admin page. The error reads "Model Server Failed to launch."
The set up is on Windows System.
How do I move forward?
See these links:
Please, ingore the fact that the second article is about RRC, the solution should be almost the same or, at least, you should get an idea what to do.
Sorry, was to fast an did not carefully read you are on Windows...
What do you see in dm.log file?
Hi Andrey,
Here is an excerpt of the dm.log file when a model import fails. Thanks again for your help.
"018-07-26 14:38:34,732 [ pool-85-thread-2] [] INFO com.ibm.rational.carter.modelserver.ModelServer - Starting model server:30005
2018-07-26 15:11:38,171 [ pool-85-thread-2] [] ERROR com.ibm.rational.carter.modelserver.ModelServer - Failed model server:30005
2018-07-26 15:11:38,171 [ pool-85-thread-2] [] ERROR com.ibm.rational.carter.requests.AbstractRequest - <rdf:RDF
<err:detailedMessage rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
Details :
com.ibm.xtools.rmps.frontservice.jaf.common.jfsclient.RmpsRuntimeException: 500 (null) :ERROR: Model Server is not running
<err:errorMessage rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
>ERROR: Model Server is not running</err:errorMessage>
<err:errorStatus rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long"
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