Workarounds: Web client problems in Design Management 4.0.2
The following known problems are related to the web client in the Design Management 4.0.2 release.
The following problems in this release have workarounds:
- If you add two or more consecutive spaces in a resource rich text field using the web client, trying to run a report including the resource rich text field will fail.
- Links between change sets and artifacts break when you rename the server that contains the artifacts.
- Rational Rhapsody Design Management: The Design Management Server crashes on Linux when the server runs without display.
- You cannot specify strings that contain international characters when you define an import engine name (links to the 4.0.1 workaround article).
- Links to resources that are have an Arabic or Hebrew name may result in dangling references during import (links to the 4.0.1 workaround article).
- In the Design Management web client, clicking on references to visualized elements does not return relevant information (links to the 4.0.1 workaround article).
- The import process creates duplicate models in a child workspace (links to the 4.0.1 workaround article).
Workaround summary
When you generate a report, the rich text property value is sent to the Rational Publishing Engine as XHTML. During this process, multiple consecutive spaces are saved in the resource as invalid XHTML, causing the reporting engine to fail.
To run the report again on the resource, complete one of the following steps:
- Edit the problematic resource using the web client and remove all the consecutive spaces, leaving only one consecutive space.
- Edit the problematic resource in the Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management by making a small change; then, save your change.
Related information
Workaround summary
If you use the Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management Eclipse client with Design Management Server versions 4.0 or 4.0.1, and you create a link from a change set to another artifact (such as a change request, requirement, or test case), the link breaks when you rename the server that contains the artifact. The link from the change set still points to the original server name and, therefore, you cannot navigate the links.
After you rename the server that contains the artifact, you must delete the broken link, and then create a new link to the artifact by specifying the updated server name.
Related information
Workaround summary
In order to display a diagram or run an import from the web, the Server is launching a ModelServer.exe process which requires a DISAPLAY.
If server runs without display the ModelServer.exe will fail to run.
- Edit the following file: <ServerInstallation>/RhapsodyModelServer/ModelServer.exe
- Add the line "export DISPLAY=:12" (or another valid value) just above the line of "$RHPDIR/bin/modelserver.exe $*"
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