Lyo OSLC does not retrieve all DOORS attribute
I need to retrieve requirements data from DOORS by URL, I am using the following code for that
ClientResponse response = client.getResource(url, OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);
System.setProperty(AbstractOslcRdfXmlProvider.OSLC4J_STRICT_DATATYPES, "false");
Requirement requirement = new Requirement();
requirement = response.getEntity(Requirement.class);
4 answers
You can perform the same calls with a REST client to get to know the exact document sent by DOORS. Maybe, DOORS does not expose them all.
Can you please tell how to achieve that call wih a REST client? I guess you mean something like chrome postman ?
Because I tried making a GET request with the same requirement URL via postman but I get the HTML result that I would get from the browser
I am not sure how to implement Jim's recommended approach, can you explain to me how? I see he recommends to extend the requirement class, but how to make DOORS fill the newly added attributes with the required properties?
I got the same error for mediatype text/turtle
oslc_rm:message "The media type [[text/turtle]] is not acceptable
This issue is that the Requirement class in the OSLC4J java client class reflects the implementation of the OSLC standard at the time it was developed. This is not the same as a DNG requirement which has application specific extensions.
See this example:
thank you for referring to the example , this is exactly how I am fetching requirements already (from line 375) and it is not returning all the required attributes.