Missing Timeline in reports

Im experimenting with RTC and found something strange: When I want to display a report, Im redirected to the screen where to choose Timeline, Teamarea,... But neither of these has choises. I have 2 Projects (Both sampleprojects "Prelude" and "Junit", so they both have Timelines).
Im using 2 machines, one running RTC Standard Edition as Server and another using RTC Express-C as Client. At least on the the Server the reports should work.
What am I doin wrong?
Im experimenting with RTC and found something strange: When I want to display a report, Im redirected to the screen where to choose Timeline, Teamarea,... But neither of these has choises. I have 2 Projects (Both sampleprojects "Prelude" and "Junit", so they both have Timelines).
Im using 2 machines, one running RTC Standard Edition as Server and another using RTC Express-C as Client. At least on the the Server the reports should work.
What am I doin wrong?
12 answers

The snapshots run automatically. The default time between runs is 24
hours, and we run them at midnight (server time).
Ah now I see what was the problem. As my PC is switched off when Im not at work, the server couldnt make his snapshots at midnight.
Did I understand that correctly, that the data warehouse/mart hadnt any data just because the snapshots did run to a time the server was not running?
The snapshots run on the server as the information is needs is all on the servrer - so as long as your PC is not the server too - the snapshots should have run.
Let's go back a step. Assuming you have not changed the default settings, a snapshot should run every night. Use the WebUI for all of the following...
You need admin access to change settings here:
(change the server:port name to your machine)
then look for the Data Warehouse section and edit the snapshot time. Default is midnight.
You can run a snapshot manually, go to your project, and select Reports. On the left-hand side, you should see an Admin section and select Administer Data Warehouse. You can click on Update All Snapshot Data.
Be a bit careful about this (as James pointed out) - if this was a production server and there was a lot of data - it could take a while to run.
Hope that helps

The snapshots run on the server as the information is needs is all on the servrer - so as long as your PC is not the server too - the snapshots should have run.
And in my case, my PC is the server. Now I have it make the Snapshot just after lunch, and it seems to work (at least, I got actual reports today, half an hour after the new Snapshottime).
The simplest things can be the hardest... :-(
But thanks for all the advices, I think I got it.
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