How do you add indenting of artifact text in template?
How do you add indenting in template so that RPE outputs requirement text with indenting. I added a condition for artifact type. For example, if artifact type is Level 1, indent once. If Level 2, indent twice, etc. Can an indent be added in the template? This is an example of how my RPE output of requirements is now:
SYS_01 The system shall ...
SUBSYS_01a The subsystem shall ...
SUBSYS_sw_01a_100 The subsystem software shall ...
SUBSYS_01b The subsystem shall also ...
And this is how I would like the output of requirements to be:
SYS_01 The system shall ...
:SUBSYS_01a The subsystem shall ...SUBSYS_sw_01a_100 The subsystem software shall ...SUBSYS_01b The subsystem shall also ...