[RQM 6.0.4] TCR PDF Export concerns on Information Stesp
So for test reports, when an information step is used underneath the Ste # on the 3rd line of each step, for some reason information steps are reporting as a URL instead of just saying "Information Step". It says in my case com.ibm.rqm.execution.common.elementype.information. For reporting steps the last element also says ".reporting" but the execution steps just say "Execution Step".
Also, why do information steps display all of the other sections that are N/A to information steps instead of JUST showing description only?
This is confusing to our customers and just seems like an area that should get attention for improvement if this is the main way to show a test report output.
One answer
Hi Tom,
For the first concern about information step and reporting step :
1. The information step works fine in the latest build. There was a defect on this which is resolved now.
You might be using an older build. Please update to a new build for that.
2. For reporting step, it is a defect. Already opened a defect for this.
For the second concern :
1. If it displays the other sections in the web UI, then you need to set the Show only the Description column for information steps under Manage Project Properties section. After that it will display only Description of Information step.
2. After setting the above property, if you see the other sections in exported pdf then it might be defect. You can open a defect