Is there a way to link a Collection or Module to a Work Item in RTC 6.01?
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I am actually looking specifically to link from a collection in RDNG to a work item in RTC. I am just specifying as you mentioned modules and module headings. The reason the linking ability is not built in from collection to work item is because the linking is designed to be at the same level from group item to group item (which explains why collection to plan is available) not group item to individual item. I did find a work around however. In 6.0.3, you can add an "External Link To" from the collection to the work item by simply copying the URL for the work item and pasting it into the URL for the external link. You are also able to name the link. From the opposite direction, you can "Add Related Artifacts" from work items in RTC to the collection by doing the same as above. Copy the URL for the collection, paste it into the URL for the link, and give it a title. The one drawback is because this is using external linking, no rich hover is available. Also a small note, say you are on a secondary tab of the work item "Links" when you copy the url for the link to the work item from the collection. When you select the link to navigate to the work item from the collection, it will take you to that second tab "Links". This seems to be the best solution for my question currently.