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In "View Lab Resources" "Reserved" colum

Agnieszka Pietkiewicz (121) | asked Oct 07 '09, 12:20 p.m.

with RQM 2.0 we use LabManager for resource reservation.
When going to Lab Management -> View Lab Resources there is the view of all available machines, but for each of defined machines column "Reserved" is always empty (even if machine is reserved currently).

There are or course other views to see when which machine is reserved, and by whom. This view however used to work in previous release.

Currently all the entries in remaining columns ("Name", "Resource Group", "Operating System" and "Processor Type") are properly displayed, only "Reserved" is always empty.


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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Oct 22 '09, 12:50 a.m.
I have verified that we have a defect here. I'm trying to do some additional investigation now. I'll keep you posted.


with RQM 2.0 we use LabManager for resource reservation.
When going to Lab Management -> View Lab Resources there is the view of all available machines, but for each of defined machines column "Reserved" is always empty (even if machine is reserved currently).

There are or course other views to see when which machine is reserved, and by whom. This view however used to work in previous release.

Currently all the entries in remaining columns ("Name", "Resource Group", "Operating System" and "Processor Type") are properly displayed, only "Reserved" is always empty.


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