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APIs to fetch TSERs in specific project areas

kausik karnatakam (111) | asked May 02 '18, 2:55 a.m.


We are trying to fetch the TSERs from a specific project area by using the below API.


Result is in ATOM feed format, but is there any possibility that we can get in JSON/XML format? Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!


Kaushik Karnatakam

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 03 '18, 5:55 a.m.

According to the document, if you set the advanced property "Format XML" to "true", the XML may be formatted - but the output is still a feed.

If you set request header "Accept: application/json", you can get the output in JSON, but again it is still a feed.

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