Getting error while up grading CCM using upgrade script in distributed environment.
Problem description and business impact :
Hi Team, I am performing an up-grading of CLM 602 to CLM 605 on my production environment.
Distributed environment-
1. Server 1: JTS, DCC,LQE and RS.
2. Server 2: CCM,QM and RELM.
3. Server 3: RM and DM. 4. Server
4: DB2 5. Server
5: IHS.
I have run upgrade script on server 1 and it all went fine, It JTS, DCC, LQE and RS has updated. But, When I switch to Server 2, and insert command for CCM upgrade it has given me below error:
"E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer_605\server>upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat - oldApplicationHome "E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf" -newJTSHome "E: \IBM\JazzTeamServer_605\serv er\conf" -updateTomcatFiles no -updateAppServerFiles no Cannot find the JTS repotools command '"E: \IBM\JazzTeamServer_605\server"\repoto ols-jts.bat'. Verify that the -newJTSHome parameter '"E: \IBM\JazzTeamServer_605\server\conf"' is pointing to the new JTS server configuration directory, for example, 'JazzIns tallRoot\server\conf' and that the -jtsContextRoot parameter 'jts' is correct.
E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer_605\server>upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat - oldApplicationHome "E:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf" -newJTSHome "Y:\server\conf" - updateTomcatF iles no -updateAppServerFiles no"
I have tried mounting network drive too and still getting error unable to find path specified.
Please help me to resolve it on high priority since it is a production Environment.
Any one can help me on same?
Best Regards,