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How to customize an existing DNG reporting template

Harrison Vince (45117) | asked Apr 23 '18, 10:50 p.m.

We are using DNG 6.0.3 and I want to substantially edit an existing reporting template (in the dialog accessed when you enter a module and then click "Generate Report for View...").

I am able to get printModuleBook.dta into RPE (2.1) but my problem occurs when I want to generate the document through RPE. There is quite a lot of external variables that need to be defined in the document specification (dsx), a few are:
  • Variable: _baselineURI
  • Variable: _configurationURI
  • Variable: _coverComponentDesc
  • Variable: _moduleURI
  • Variable: _projectURI
  • Variable: moduleURI
  • Variable: projectURI*
I assume DNG dynamically produces a dsx file to be used with the template? Is there any way for me to download this dsx file for a particular module from DNG? If not, how can I generate a report through RPE with real data from DNG to preview my changes to the template without having to upload the new template to the server each time?

Accepted answer

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Kumaraswamy Gowda (39115) | answered Apr 24 '18, 12:47 a.m.

DNG builds dsx file dynamically. You should be able to get the dsx file from the DNG server (C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\temp\rrc_reports). See the following links for more details.

Harrison Vince selected this answer as the correct answer

Harrison Vince commented Apr 24 '18, 2:16 a.m.

 Thank you for the info, very helpful!

One other answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Apr 24 '18, 2:04 a.m.

Just one correction - Once you configure "Logging" as explained in , you will find the .dsx in %temp%\rrc_reports folder.

You can open this .dsx in RPE Launcher and check how the configurations are done. However, the URI set by DNG for "views" data source may not work from RPE. You should rather set the views URI as explained in

Attaching a document specification file created by DNG for your reference.

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