Possibility of JAS clustering later after deployment
Accepted answer
According to the limitations mentioned in the below link, it is not possible clustering after deployment.
2 other answers
The restrictions described in the https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/PerformanceClusteredJAS article are due to the fact that we do not support moving the JAS data from a Derby backend to a shared database server.
If you initially set up up your Jazz Authorization Server using a DB2 or Oracle backend and fronted by an IBM HTTP Server as shown in the diagram from that article, then you should be able to start with a single Jazz Authorization Server and add additional servers later.
I would consider to go through the install/upgrade guides and see how JAS clustering is done. Usually you should be able to change the topology e.g. by introducing a reverse proxy.
Worst case I would assume you throw away JAS and set it up clustered from scratch.
Thanks Ralph.
According to the limitations mentioned in the below link, it is not possible clustering after deployment.
I can't seem to see the link.
My mistake Ralph