Rolling up of hours to parent from child items
I have seen the question . This was from 2012.
Accepted answer
The Planning Component does roll up of complexity and execution item estimate and time spent across parent/child within one project area. If the built in stuff is not sufficient you can write enhancement requests or look for a custom solution.
Although I have written It is a crutch and I don't like the underlying design and architecture.
A better solution would be to use reporting. Another alternative that would avoid storing the calculated data in an attribute would be a presentation that does the calculation when a work item is opened.
Is it possible to just get the total hours spent from all the child items - instead of total hours spent / total estimated hours ? I would like the progress bar replaced with just a string or integer, representing the actual hours spent.
If you can collect information from three attributes, you should be able to only collect it for one.
I have no example for such a report.
One other answer
I dont think v6.0.4 has the built-in follow-up participant as suggested in question.
The best option would be using "Work progress" bar as suggested in the question(2nd answer)
If you are using the work item editor then you can add the progress bar. Its a non attribute based editor presentations and is called "Work Progress". Check it out if it helps.
In Parent work item, when adding work progress, you will see
Hours Done : 45 of 411.5 (11%)
when hover on the progress bar, here, 45 hours are sum up of all Spent time in child work items.