Can anyone help me integrate RTC with GitLab?
I am running RTC 6.0.4 and a local install of GitLab 10.6.3-ee. I am trying to configure the RTC-GitLab installation per the documented instructions. I have most everything set up, I am using a service account RTC user instead of a Functional User, but other than that I think I have followed all instructions. When I try doing a Push operation, I receive the following error message:
remote: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
To git@<url>:RTC_Sync/sandbox_sync_proj.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@<url>:RTC_Sync/sandbox_sync_proj.git'
Does this look familiar to anyone? Can anyone provide any insight?
Thank you,