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Example for requesting a ReqIF export via ReqIF API

René Schwarz (112) | asked Apr 02 '18, 1:20 p.m.


I am trying to initiate a ReqIF export via the ReqIF API of DOORS Next Generation 6.0.5. The ReqIF definition is already set within the respective project area.

I was reading and trying since hours now to send the appropriate request to the API for initiating an export based on this existing ReqIF definition via the ReqIF API. However, I am not even close to figuring out the right URI to do so.

Could one please give me an concrete example how to use the ReqIF API correctly, i.e., which URI needs to be used and how parameters can be supplied?

Any help is appreciated.

Donald Nong commented Apr 05 '18, 1:58 a.m.

I gave it a try but got confused as well. According to the document, there should be a <dng_reqif:definition> property, but the one I get in the OSLC response is <rmReqIF:ReqIFDataDefinition>. Due to this, I was not able to correctly specify a ReqIF package when trying to export it, even though I could verify the definition URL is correct.

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Gabriel Ruelas (1.1k13) | answered Jan 08 '19, 11:28 a.m.

 You have to use the URI of the ReqIF definition. In 605 there is no easy way to discover it from the Web UI, but it can be done using the dev tools of your browser.

Then use an RDF model as specified in the documentation, the important entry is dng_reqif:definition.

Best Regards.

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