OSLC4J : lyo.version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT : OSLC4J RM Client : Read the value of an artifact attribute of the data type "Enumerated list of values".
OSLC4J : lyo.version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT : OSLC4J RM Client : Read the value of an artifact attribute of the data type "Enumerated list of values".
Artifact -Attribute "Business Priority" of data type "Business Priority_ListType" is set to "Should".
The function does not return the value (i.e. "Should"), instead it returns a link to the enumeration-type.
i.e. https://localhost:9443/rm/types/_zKkMEPmIEeml0Lr5_YGd8w#_zKkzIvmIEeml0Lr5_YGd8w
This link point so the enumeration-type "Business Priority_ListType".
But how do you get the value set in the Artifact-Attribute i.e. "Should" value of Artifact-Attribute "Business Priority"?