How to export testsuite result and related testcase results by using ExcelImporter
I have created a testsuite linked to several testcases and I want to use ExcelImporter to export the results(include testsuite result and testcase results) after I have run all the testcases. what I want to achieve is make the testsuite result is still linked to these testcase results after uploaded. any ideas?
Accepted answer
I think I am getting the described scenario. Basically ExcelImporter is designed to move test assets maintained in Excel to RQM and it is meant for one time migration effort. it is not designed to work as test artifact synchronizer or execution alternate. Related to issue you are facing, currently ExcelImporter doesn't support artifacts of type 'Test Suite Exectuion record' or 'Test Suite Result' (Enhancement#169804) and you described export of data back to RQM is not possible, you might want to update the enhancement with your view on need.
2 other answers
Hi, Mehul
Thanks for your answering!
Maybe my description is not that clear.
But yes, I do have linking testsuite and testcase in RQM. Here is the detailed situation:
Firstly, create a testsuite like 'testsuite1' linked to several testcases like 'testcase1', 'testcase2'....etc. BTW, all these artifacts are imported from an excel file through ExcelImporter
second, execute these testcases offline and filled the results in the same excel file
third, import the excel file again through ExcelImporter.
What I have achieved currently is that there are 'testcase result' and 'testcase execution record' in RQM. But what i want is more than this. I want not only the 'testcase result' and 'testcase execution record', also the 'testsuite result' and 'testsuite execution record' are imported into RQM from the same excel file through ExcelImporter.
is this understandable?