Where are plan views stored?

I created a child project area that was inheriting from a parent project area. Inheritance was broken between the child project and parent such that the child was able to customize its plan views and plan types. Several new plan views were created. I restored inheritance to the child project area by editing the plan information from its XML. I expected to see that plan views were no longer available to the child project area, but instead they were still there. This makes me wonder why they are still there and where they are stored.
One answer

I would think they are stored in the database, but I have not looked into that this much.

That makes sense to me. The example I gave above was a test I performed because I need to restore inheritance to a child project area that broke it a few months ago (we just caught it). I am fairly confident that they haven't promoted any plan views or linked them into plan type. Do you think it is safe to assume that the plan views they created will be preserved? Do you know what is actually stored in the XML? Is it just the plan types?

I just looked into the process configuration. If you search for http://com.ibm.team.apt.configuration in the source you will see some information about plan types and plan modes stored there. If you search for com.ibm.team.apt you will also see a bunch of references in work item attributes and the plan configuration.
I know that some stuff you refer to like plan type ID's, filter ID's etc are defined in the source code of the tool.
Other stuff might be in the database.
This is pure speculation and I am not the person to answer deeper questions.