Create RQM report Template using RPE
2 answers
Hi Amruta,
If you are generating Testcase report, then the data source (resource) is testcase.
You can count the number of testcases by using (internal) variable.
1. Create a variable named as Count (or any) and assign 0 as default value.
2. You need to define the script into an element "Assignments" property that you want to count the testcase.
Simple code would be : Count = parseInt(Count) + 1;
* RPE recognises your variable value as String so you need to explicitly change the type of value as integer.
3. Allocate your variable into "content" property of element you wish to display the value - it will look like <variable Count>
Then you will be able to see the total number of testcases.
Note: It is recommended to ask one question per one post. Then you will get more chance to get answer.
Hello Kenji ,