Can RPE publish RRC module baselines?
I have modified printModuleBook.dta and .doc to customize output documents generated from RRC. How do I extract module baseline metadata from the views dataSource?. I need the baseline version and date in particular. I also need to know explixcitly whether or not the dataSource refers to current or baseline version of a module so that I can modify the document watermark and timestamp.
3 answers
You need to query the module baseline explicitly to get the baseline information.
When you publish a baseline version of the module, it appears that there is no indication whether the content is from a baseline.
When you publish a baseline version of the module, it appears that there is no indication whether the content is from a baseline.
you can publish data from DNG modules, see below.
>>> If there is no way to determine whether you are publishing a baseline or not how would you know whether or not to query for baseline information? And for which baseline?
The only way I could do this is to pass the ID of the baseline to the RPE template as a report variable. See the note on the "module baselines" entry in for how you could access the list of module baselines but as noted in the API that API is not a valid data source for RPE. The main problem is the lack of a schema provided for it.
you can publish data from DNG modules, see below.
>>> If there is no way to determine whether you are publishing a baseline or not how would you know whether or not to query for baseline information? And for which baseline?
The only way I could do this is to pass the ID of the baseline to the RPE template as a report variable. See the note on the "module baselines" entry in for how you could access the list of module baselines but as noted in the API that API is not a valid data source for RPE. The main problem is the lack of a schema provided for it.