How to create new user in JTS, when using Jazz Authorization Server?
Jazz Platform 6.0.5 iFix001
- Jazz Authorization Server 6.0.5
Configured with file-based user registry
The JTS page states that the creation was successful, thus I navigated to the user-registry file (localUserRegistry.xml) of the JAS.
According to the other already created users, I have added the new user, with username and password, and assigned the JazzUsers role to it.
Example snippet:
<user name="testuser" passwords="{aes}AN9NeTBKwkUOOmXQotsZDjBuIwKo98BvQPBlVvl2i9ps"/> <group name="JazzUsers"> <member name="testuser"/>When navigating back to the JTS users page, the new user "testuser" is not shown in the list.
...other member declarations....
It seems the users, defined in the user-registry file of the Jazz Authorization Server, are not "synchronized" with JTS.
What else I have to consider for adding a new user with the setup of Jazz Authorization Server?
Configuring the Jazz Authorization Server to use a file-based user registry
Accepted answer
You have to use either the "repotools-jts -addUser" or "repotools-jts -importUsers" command.
JTS can only synchronize with an LDAP backend, and nothing else.