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How to register third party TRS feed in LQE using Jazz Authorization Server's Single sign-on

Saqib Niaz (711223) | asked Nov 16 '18, 4:47 a.m.


CLM 6.0.6 ifix004 with Jazz Authorization Server (JAS)
We have developed a third party RM provider. We have registered our service provider with JAS. We are able to work in CLM and can open 'Selection Dialog' from our RM provider using JAS Single Sign-On (SSO).
Jazz's LQE is upgraded to use JAS SSO. Currently, our service provider's TRS feed is registered with lqe using OAuth Key and Secret i.e. OAuth 1.0A 2 legged authentication.
My question is: how can we register our TRS feed in LQE using JAS's SSO? So that our service provider application can get rid of OAuth 1.0A authentication and we can completely shift to OpenID Connect security architecture.

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