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Reporting across timezones?

Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | asked Feb 05 '18, 11:51 a.m.

We have several RTC repositories  (and several JTS's) that are configured in a single DCC environment and feed into a single data warehouse.  Currently all the RTC repositories are in the same timezone, but one customer group wants to change the timezone on one of the repositories.

What (if any) reporting impacts might this have if a repsoitory moves to a new timezone, but the data is stored along with repositories in a different timezone, and the warehouse and reporting tools are in a different timezone? 

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered Feb 05 '18, 9:25 p.m.

Hi Jackie,

I do not have multi-regional environments, but I do not think ETL job by DCC absorbs the timezone difference between multiple RTC servers. Although the RTC REST API interface always add timezone info such as 2018-01-09T21:02:42.834+1100 (GMT+11), data warehouse is storing timestamp attribute without timezone info. I cannot find any calculation in ETL job if these timezone difference is converted to universal time. It would be a problem if you create time related reports with multiple RTC servers.
Similarly, it appears that JRS reports do not consider timezone difference, and it always show the time (date) based on the timestamp attribute in data warehouse. You can check the SQL query in Advanced section to see how timestamp attribute is calculated. Perhaps this is because JRS reports need consistency wherever the reports have been created. It would be a problem if the report created from US user is different from the one from EU user, right?

Please verify these two points, and share with us what you find.   

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