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RTC SCM: Copy Snapshot to other stream

I couldn't find this question in existing threads so let me ask.
I'm wondering how I can copy snapshot to other stream? I found the way changing owner of snapshot but no copy menu in eclipse client.
Reference Information:
As alternative way I accept baselines of all component in the stream, and re-create snapshot manually in other stream.
Back ground:
Now there are three streams in my project,
- A.dev stream x number of dev teams ( for development in each team )
- B. merge stream x 1 ( to collect all the artifacts developed in each team )
- C. Test stream x 1 ( for testers to look at )
At stream B, librarian collects all change sets, and make a snapshot when build error is zero.
And then librarian wants to copy snapshot from stream B to stream C to allow testers to use.
As you know, snapshot includes some component baselines.
Accepted answer

A snapshot has only one owner, so it can only be owned by one stream.
Masatoshi Nogo
Feb 04 '18, 9:14 p.m.Thank you for the answer. I'll do so.