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Reuse the existing component in a new stream in a new project

Taki Nakajo (1.1k2946) | asked Jul 03 '15, 12:18 a.m.
When you want to re-use the existing component from the old project's steam, how can you create a new steam?

Project Area 1
|- Steam A
  |- Component A ( Baseline 123 )

Project Area 2
|- Steam B
  |- Component A (Baseline 123 )

If I duplicate the steam A from the project 1 to the new Steam B, the component A is still owned by the project 1 since it is the same instance. If I change to the new project area 2 as a owner of the component, the owner of the component A in the steam A is also the project are 2.

How can I independently create a new component from the component A's baseline, assign the project 2 as the owner?

Arne Bister commented Jul 04 '15, 10:21 a.m.

The basic SCM paradigm in RTC allows you to reuse Component A as the same object in Stream B. The stream histories are separated so that if people in PA1 introduce changes on Stream A on Component A these changes will NOT be visible in PA 2 on Stream B (unless explicitely delivered) and vice versa.
Why do you want to clone Component A and have PA2 assigned as the owner. Is security or visibility your concern? Which use case do you want to execute that you think requires a component cloning?

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 06 '15, 2:24 a.m.
After duplicating the steam, ownership becomes like this. The member in the PA2 cannot see the component A in PA2.

Project Area 1
|- Steam A   ... owned by Project Area
  |- Component A ( Baseline 123 ) ... owned/visible by Project Area 1

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 06 '15, 2:24 a.m.

 Project Area 2

|- Steam B  ... owned by Project Area 2
  |- Component A (Baseline 123 ) ... owned/visible by Project Area 1

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 06 '15, 2:25 a.m.


The users expects like this:

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 06 '15, 2:25 a.m.

 Project Area 1

|- Steam A   ... owned by Project Area 1
  |- Component A ( Baseline 123 ) ... owned/visible by Project Area 1
Project Area 2
|- Steam B  ... owned by Project Area 2
  |- Component A (Baseline 123 ) ... owned/visible by Project Area 2

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 06 '15, 2:26 a.m.

 Can we do that?

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Accepted answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 06 '15, 7:29 p.m.
As indicated by Arne, a component is not "owned" by a stream, it is "shared" by a stream.
So it is one component, shared by multiple streams (each having their own configuration of that component).
When you say "the users expect" to have a given component have a different owner, depending on what stream is sharing it, why do they expect that?   What are they hoping to achieve by having that be the case?
Taki Nakajo selected this answer as the correct answer

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 07 '15, 4:08 a.m.
When a user 2 is a member of the only PA2, then if I add Component A in stream B in PA2. the user 2 in the PA2 cannot even see the component A since the ownership/visibility is still PA1.

I referred to your past answer but I'm afraid I'm not still clear.

So how to share the
component A with PA1 and PA2?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Jul 07 '15, 11:52 p.m.

In order to make component A visible to all members of PA1 and PA2, some of your choices include:
- make a user the owner of component A, and set the Visibility to Public (this is simplest, but it means everyone who has access to the repository can see that component)
- create a new team area (in either PA1 or PA2), add all of the members of PA1 and PA2 to this new team area, set this team area as the owner of component A, and set the visibility of the component to be this team area.
- create a new project area, add all of the members of PA1 and PA2 to this new project area, and set this project area as the owner of component A.

Note that in 6.0.1, things should get simpler.   The current plan is to allow you to define an Access Group that contains PA1 and PA2, and then you can just make the owner of component A be that Access Group.

Taki Nakajo commented Jul 09 '15, 3:54 a.m.

Hi Geoffrey, I appreciate your answers/comments. 

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