CC-RTC import fails during initialization with could not write config spec

Hi all,
3 answers

The error message is not that hard to understand, I think it is necessary to read it though:
This error can happen if you are attempting to set up a synchronized stream for CCLT. CCLT is not a supported ClearCase edition for the Clearcase Synchronizer."
You need to use a full Clear Case, I think. I would consider to read the synchronizer documentation.
If you have a full CC, theck if there are any permission issues or other hints in the logs.

Yes we have full CC installed on the host and as I mentioned we are able to perform all CC operations without any permission issue.

It seems that your claim
"Yes we have full CC installed on the host and as I mentioned we are able to perform all CC operations without any permission issue. "
is plain wrong and I would really suggest to read the error messages and consider what they mean. The synchronizer has to do certain operations in CC and if the user does not have the permissions to do them, aor anything else is not as it needs to be, you will find the information what failed in the logs.
It is far more efficient to read these logs and to consider that the error wants to tell you, than posting the logs here and waiting for someone else to spot the error.