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RQM-category more than 3 level depth

Thao Nguyen (37334) | asked Jan 19 '18, 3:03 a.m.
closed Jan 19 '18, 4:31 a.m. by Donald Nong (14.5k614)


I need to implement information of supported products for each test case as Category with multiple level depth as below without success, could you advise?

Supported Products (category name)
    Project 1    (implement as value)
         Project model 1.1       (implement as sub-category)
                      Product 1.1.1   (implement as value)
                      Product 1.1.2
         Project model 1.2
    Project 2
         Project model 2.1.
         Project model 2.2
    Project 3
         Project model 3.1.
         Project model 3.2

However, when i change "Project model 1.1" inside Project 1, "Project model 2.1" name is changed as what i did too

How can we have "Project mode 1.1, "Project mode 2.1", and "Project mode 3.1" separate name. 
Same for "Project mode 1.2", "Project mode 2.2", and "Project mode 3.2" 

Could you advise how to implement above structure?

Accepted answer

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Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114) | answered Jun 26 '18, 6:23 a.m.
Its a duplicate question -
The response is provided in

Thao Nguyen selected this answer as the correct answer

Thao Nguyen commented Jun 26 '18, 9:35 p.m.

 Yes, it is duplicate, thanks Muralidhar

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