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How to create a suite execution record using RQM Reportable REST API?

Daniel Connell (127) | asked Jan 09 '18, 9:09 a.m.

I am working with TDP REST APIs. I got to know that to create a suite execution record, we need to create an iteration first, and then attach that iteration url in testphase xml and then attach this testphase url at a node in suite execution recors xml. But i am not able to figure out what values do we provide in that xml? Can anyone please help!

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 11 '18, 4:54 a.m.

It's simple and easy by checking the XML presentation of any existing resources.

I'm not sure what "TDP REST API" is. But for RQM Reportable REST API, the workflow is like this.

1. Find out the URI for an existing iteration (there is no REST API to create an iteration).

2. Use the POST operation to create a test phase, and the request body (XML) should include
<ns2:iteration href=""/>
<ns2:testplan href="" />

3. If successful, the response header "Location" contains the "slug" ID for the new test phase.

4. Use the POST operation to create a test suite execution record, and the request body (XML) should include
<ns2:testplan href=""/>
<ns2:testsuite href=""/>
<ns2:testphase href=""/>
Note: the test plan should be the same as the one at step 2, and the test suite should be associated in the same plan.

5. If successful, the response header "Location" contains the "slug" ID for the new test suite execution record.

For more information, see

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