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How to fetch the unique backend ID for each artifacts in RQM? For RTC, we can get unique backend ID for each work item in its creation web page URL. But for RQM, where can we find the backend ID for each artifacts(Testcase, test suite, etc)?

Saravanakumar Chandrasekaran (114) | asked Jun 01 '20, 10:18 a.m.

How to fetch the unique backend ID for each artifacts in RQM? For RTC, we can get unique backend ID for each work item in its creation web page URL. But for RQM, where can we find the backend ID for each artifacts(Testcase, test suite, etc)?

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Bharath Rao (915240) | answered Jun 01 '20, 10:39 p.m.

Hi Saravanakumar,

If the intent is to only get the IDs of the Test Cases from the project area, you could use theĀ RQM Reportable Rest API

Here is a sample URL that can be used to get the IDs of all the Test Cases from a project area in RQM

With this you will get an XML which must be parsed to get the IDs of all the Test Cases.

Hope it helps!

If you have any specific use-case, feel free to share to assist better.

Best Regards,

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