Query to fetch a build record and associated it to a test execution in RQM
Hi there,
I am fetching the test cases in RQM using a Perl script:
That works well.
I am trying to fetch the Build records to generate a test execution record or a test result associated with the corresponding Build, but apparently the fetch does not work:
where $l_build is the name of the Build Record created in QM
Could you help me identify what I am missing here?
Thank you
One answer
Hi Karim,
You have to provide build id or the build web id for $l_build instead of build name. Also, type should be in lower case i.e buildRecord should be buildrecord.
Example: $l_baseUrl/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/$l_prjId/buildrecord/urn:com.ibm.rqm:buildrecord:1 where 1 is the web ID of the build record.
Monika Rajput