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RQM sync artifacts with HP QC

Luis Bazo (6832019) | asked Apr 12 '16, 8:27 a.m.


Is there any approach or strategy to build a custom extension to mirrow test cases/test plan with their corresponding in HP QC. 

We have seen there are pre/post conditions in RQM operations but as far as I have been reading there is no way to create new ones. We were thinking about synchronize RQM artifacts on save operation with HP QC. 

Another approach we have considered is the ability to explore from a WI save pre/post conditions all its linked test cases/test plans but we don't know whether the full test case/test plan specification can be read from a workitem link. 

Any idea on how to do it or do you think it is too risky to implement something like this? 

We know about tasktop adapter but those are for workitem and we are trying to sync test artifacts. 


Luis Bazo commented Apr 13 '16, 6:56 a.m.

Hi Don Yang!!

Thanks a lot for your answer. Very interesting.

As far as I see in the PPT the information flow from HP to RQM through XML strategy. We are looking to flow info from RQM to HPQC on line under user request :). I suspect there's huge effort involved and many technical constraints and challenges to cover.


Don Yang commented Apr 13 '16, 8:19 p.m. | edited Apr 13 '16, 8:19 p.m.

Hi, Luis

I guess it would need huge efforts for the request. Tasktop Sync use similar XML mapping for the integration but they do not seem to have one for RQM and HPQC, it may mean a great challenges behind XML strategy for RQM-HPQC. thanks

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 13 '16, 3:02 a.m.
Hi, Luis

Many year ago, IBM's BP Sogeti has done something on this: see
I am not sure if they are still doing the same or not. you may want to check with them and see if they may help.

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