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Email Configuration issue : Problem in sending test mail in CLM 6.0.4

vikrant kamble (1323897) | asked Dec 14 '17, 2:23 a.m.

I am facing problem in sending test mail after email configuration is done in version 6.0.4. I am getting error "The server could not be contacted: Read timed out" 

Initially we had CLM 6.0(email was working fine in this version) which was upgraded to CLM 6.0.3(in this version also email was working fine), after upgrading CLM 6.0.3 to CLM 6.0.4 we started getting this problem. Whenever I send test mail it keeps waiting to send mail and after some time I get above error.

Troubleshooting I have done : 
1. Verify if smtp server can be pinged(I was able to ping smtp server)
2. Look into jts.log file - after looking into jts.log file I found error ""

Problem seems to be because of Unknown host but I am unable to understand cause of problem because I can ping smtp server from the system where CLM server is installed and why CLM can not identify host name of SMTP server
Any suggestions ?

vikrant kamble commented Dec 14 '17, 7:13 a.m. | edited Dec 14 '17, 7:22 a.m.

I was looking into problem and came across link -

To brief my findings after going through the link we have to set networkaddress.cache.ttl=-1 to networkaddress.cache.ttl=60 in file

This file can be found in server_directory\JazzTeamServer\server\jre\lib\security\ 

I am not sure if this will work or it will cause any problems in the future as I have to modify file related to java from server directory.

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